Clouds rest
Clouds rest


Information in this blog could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.


If you use any of the code shown, you are doing it at your own risk. security, error handling, robustness, etc). No effort has been made to make the code production quality (e.g. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the features of the SAP Landscape Management Automation Studio.


Any software coding and/or code lines / strings (“Code”) included are only examples and are not intended to be used in any productive system environment. In this case this alternative approach with Ansible can be used.

clouds rest

For example there may be a need to customize the instance further before it is used. However, the built-in process does not always meet the requirements for some customers. The choices presented are to use existing hosts (already discovered in LaMa as ready to use) or provision a new host. It should be noted that when using some cloud adapters in LaMa (such as the Cloud Manager for AWS), it is already possible to provision new cloud instances as part of tasks like “Install Application Server” or “System Copy”. The diagram below illustrates at a high-level how the flow looks like. It is also possible to use the newly added host for other provisioning tasks such as system copy or new replication tier. The REST provider that is part of automation studio will be used to trigger the new host provisioning via Ansible AWX, followed by a discovery and then using the new host to provision an additional application server. The ansible playbook (for use in Ansible AWX or Tower) and the LaMa configuration (provider definitions, custom operations etc.) are available at GitHub. In a previous blog I described the outbound REST API feature of LaMa that was first added in SP25. The module used in the playbook can be replaced by those for the other cloud providers and some other minor adjustments. The same approach also applies to Azure or GCP.

clouds rest

I will use AWS (Amazon Web Services) as the public cloud and Ansible AWX (upstream open source project for Ansible Tower) to launch the playbook for creation of a new instance.

clouds rest

new HANA replication tier, add application server, system copy/clone). In this blog I will cover the scenario of provisioning a new instance in a public cloud directly from LaMa and then using this new host to perform an operation (e.g.

Clouds rest