Overwatch 2 reaper
Overwatch 2 reaper

> Overwatch 2's Lifeweaver and Life Grip: Is it fair? > All Overwatch 2 heroes: Abilities, tips, and more They now provide Overhealth, which doesn't have damage reduction properties, although it does reduce the amount of Ultimate charge that enemy players get when they damage you. The introduction of Overhealth also simplifies how getting extra health from abilities works, though it directly nerfs both Brigitte and Torbjörn since Brigitte's Inspire Ultimate and Torbjörn's Overload used to provide damage-reducing armor. Support heroes being able to rapidly heal after not taking damage gives them a significant self-sustaining boost, ensuring that enemies can't easily whittle them down with chip damage over time. The 30% knockback resistance and 50% reduction in Ultimate charge given to tanks make them harder to forcibly move around and "farm" for Ultimates. The ability to retain a 30% Ultimate charge when swapping between heroes encourages all players to be more flexible, while the 35% reload speed boost on elimination for damage heroes encourages aggressive and active playstyles. The introduction of role passives in Overwatch 2 gives each type of hero in the game distinct advantages. Health totals will remain the same for tanks when playing any Role Queue enabled game. The health totals for all tank heroes will be lower when playing any game mode that does not have a role queue.The last attack that fully depletes a hero's armor will have its damage reduced by that armor dynamically, with higher damage attacks being reduced less.

overwatch 2 reaper

Armor health now reduces all damage by 30% instead of flatly reducing it by 5 points.Overhealth reduces Ultimate charge gained by opponents by 50% when it's damaged.All forms of extra health from abilities (e.g., Brigitte's Rally or Lucio's Sound Barrier) are considered Overhealth (green health bar) instead of a secondary type of armor or shield health.

overwatch 2 reaper overwatch 2 reaper

  • All supports now heal 15 HP/second after not being damaged for 1.5 seconds.
  • All tanks now have 30% knockback resistance and provide 50% less Ultimate charge when damaged.
  • Does not stack, but will refresh if additional eliminations are scored while active.
  • All damage heroes now gain a 35% reload speed buff for 2.5 seconds whenever they eliminate an enemy player.
  • Maximum ultimate charge retained when swapping heroes reduced from 30 to 25%.

  • Overwatch 2 reaper